var Lang = { TimeSaskatchewan: 'Saskatchewan', WarningIncLoginBlank: 'You cannot leave POP3(IMAP4) Login field blank.', ErrorUpdateSharing: 'Unable to save sharing and publication data', MailMode3: 'Delete message from server when it is removed from Trash', MailMode2: 'Keep messages on server for', MailMode1: 'Leave messages on server', MailMode0: 'Delete received messages from server', PROC_CANT_MARK_MSGS_READ: 'Can\'t mark message(s) as read', TitleFolders: 'Folders', MailGroup: 'Mail Group', Pop3SyncTypeDirectMode: 'Direct Mode', MailEmail: 'Email', PROC_ACCOUNT_EXISTS: 'The account cannot be created because it already exists.', TimeDarwin: 'Darwin', WebPage: 'Web Page', CalendarTableDayWednesday: 'W', TitleMessagesListView: 'Message List', HideFolders: 'Hide Folders', MessagesInInbox: 'Message(s) in Inbox', SettingsShowWorkday: 'Show workday', RemoveAllReminders: 'Remove all reminders', NewMessage: 'New Message', Title_SharedCalendars: 'Shared calendars', CalendarDescription: 'Description', WarningSubjectBlank: 'You cannot leave the subject blank.', SensivityPrivateMenu: 'Private', RepeatEveryWeekTimes: 'Every week on %DAYS%, %TIMES% times', RepeatEveryWeekUntil: 'Every week on %DAYS%, until %UNTIL%', ReminderHours: 'hours', CalendarSettingsNullLine: 'No calendars', RepeatEveryWeekInfin: 'Every week on %DAYS%', ReminderWeeks: 'weeks', TimeAbuDhabi: 'Abu Dhabi, Muscat', ErrorNoContacts: 'No contacts for import.', TimeIsrael: 'Israel, Jerusalem Standard Time', ContactsMailThem: 'Mail them', TimeEastern: 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)', AppointmentMsgTitleRefuse: 'Guest %guest% is refuse invitation', Importance: 'Importance', UseForLogin: 'Use this account properties (login and password) for login', ErrorGetMailLimit: 'Sorry, your mailbox size limit is exceeded.', HideAddFields: 'Hide additional fields', DayToolFriday: 'Fri', AppointmentEmailExplanation: 'This message has come to your account %EMAIL% because you was invited to the event by %ORGANAZER%', TimeHobart: 'Hobart, Tasmania', ContainSubstring: 'Contain substring', MessageCannotSaved: 'The message cannot be saved.', PROC_CANT_LOAD_DB: 'Can\'t connect to database.', TimeHarare: 'Harare, Pretoria', TimeHawaii: 'Hawaii', NextPage: 'Next Page', ToolBack: 'Back', ConfirmHtmlToPlain: 'Warning: By changing the formatting of this message from HTML to plain text, you will lose any current formatting in the message. Select OK to continue.', AppointmentSubjectAddStart: 'You\'ve received invitation to event ', ConfirmAddFolder: 'Before adding/removing folder it is necessary to apply changes. Select OK to save.', LANG_PopProtocol: 'POP3', DefCharset: 'Default charset', PROC_CANT_LEAVE_BLANK: 'You can\'t leave * fields blank', ACCT_CANT_UPD_TO_DEF_ACCT: 'This account status cannot be changed to default.', ResponseText: 'Response text:', ShowAddFields: 'Show additional fields', Pop3SyncTypeEntireMessages: 'Entire Messages', AltPrevMonth: 'Prev Month', ErrorSMTPConnect: 'Can\'t connect to SMTP server. Check SMTP server settings.', Organization: 'Organization', DayToolMonday: 'Mon', BusinessEmail: 'Business E-mail', ErrorUpdateCalendar: 'Unable to save calendar', SortFieldSubject: 'Subject', AppointmentMsgTitleUpdate: 'Event was modified.', RegQuestionDesc: 'Please, provide two secret questions and answers which know only you. In case of password lost you can use these questions in order to recover the password.', PROC_CANT_GET_MSG_LIST: 'Can\'t get message list', SettingsCountry: 'Country', ErrorLDAPonnect: 'Can\'t connect to ldap server.', TimeMoscow: 'Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd', RepeatEveryWeekWeekdaysInfin: 'Every week on weekdays', FiltersCondNotContainSubstr: 'not containing substring', RepeatEveryWeekWeekdaysTimes: 'Every week on weekdays, %TIMES% times', CharsetChineseSimplifiedGB: 'Chinese Simplified (GB2312)', DeleteFromServer: 'Delete from server Immediately', RepeatEveryWeekWeekdaysUntil: 'Every week on weekdays, until %UNTIL%', Action: 'Action', WarningIncorrectTillTime: 'The \"Till\" time is incorrect.', EmptySpam: 'Empty Spam', StateProvince: 'State/Province', FolderDrafts: 'Drafts', Allday: 'All day', CharsetCyrillicAlphabet: 'Cyrillic Alphabet (Windows)', WarningAdvancedDateFormat: 'Please specify a date-time format.', August: 'August', Attach: 'Attach', CharsetCentralEuropeanAlphabetISO: 'Central European Alphabet (ISO)', AltNextMonth: 'Next Month', CharsetGreekAlphabet: 'Greek Alphabet (Windows)', OperationNotSpam: 'Not Spam', TitleCalendar: 'Calendar', Folder: 'Folder', Fourth: 'Fourth', ConfirmDirectModeAreYouSure: 'The selected message(s) will be PERMANENTLY deleted! Are you sure?', AllMailFolders: 'All Mail Folders', LANG_ImapProtocol: 'IMAP4', ThisInstance: 'Only this instance', FiltersActionMove: 'move', ErrorLoadCalendar: 'Unable to load calendars', Groups: 'Groups', InfoMessagesLoad: 'WebMail is loading message list', PROC_ERROR_ACCT_UPDATE: 'There was an error while updating account', FullMonthOctober: 'October', CalendarTableDaySunday: 'S', Delete: 'Delete', DateYesterday: 'Yesterday', RegSignMe: 'Remember me', ConfirmSaveFilter: 'The filters properties were not saved. Select OK to save.', TitleImportContacts: 'Import Contacts', NewGroup: 'New Group', CharsetGreekAlphabetISO: 'Greek Alphabet (ISO)', FiltersActionToFolder: 'to %folder folder', DefLanguage: 'Default language', MsgsPerPage: 'Messages per page', LoginLanguage: 'Language', ContactFirstName: 'First name', EventCommonDataTab: 'Main details', Mobile: 'Mobile', AppointmentInvalidGuestEmail: 'The following guest email addresses are invalid:', WarningPassBlank: 'You cannot leave \"Password\" field blank.', SyncTypeAllMessages: 'All Messages', FontColor: 'Font Color', WarningIncPortNumber: 'You should specify a positive number in POP3(IMAP4) port field.', SettingsAutoAddInvitation: 'Add invitations into calendar automatically', ImagePath: 'Image Path', InfoNewContactsGroups: 'You can either create new contacts/groups or import contacts from a .CSV file in MS Outlook format.', RegUnrecoverableAccount: 'Password recovery cannot be applied for this email address.', LANG_OutPort: 'Port', ShowFolders: 'Show Folders', Center: 'Center', TitleDay: 'Day View', Common: 'Common', Cancel: 'Cancel', AdvancedDateHelpYear2: 'Year, 2 digits', AdvancedDateHelpYear4: 'Year, 4 digits', AdvancedDateHelpTitle: 'Advanced Date', AddContacts: 'Add Contacts', ClickToDownload: 'Click to download ', AdvancedDateHelpIntro: 'When the "Advanced" field is selected, you can use the text box to set your own date format, which would be displayed in AfterLogic WebMail Pro. The following options are used for this purpose along with \':\' or \'/\' delimiter char:', TimeIrkutsk: 'Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar', InfoEmptyInbox: 'Inbox is empty', AddSignatures: 'Add signatures to all outgoing messages', Bullets: 'Bullets', ArrangedBy: 'Arranged by', DeletingMessages: 'Deleting message(s)', Sending: 'Sending…', Import: 'Import', SettingsAllTimeZones: 'All time zones', FiltersAdd: 'Add Filter', NNewSharedCalendars: '%d new calendars found', Italic: 'Italic', InfoDeleteNotEmptyFolders: 'Deleting non-empty folders is not allowed. To delete such a folder (it has disabled checkbox), delete its contents first.', AddReminder: 'Remind me about this event', DayToolSunday: 'Sun', Normal: 'Normal', ReportGroupSuccessfulyAdded1: 'The group', ReportGroupSuccessfulyAdded2: 'was successfully added.', AttachmentUploading: 'Uploading...', CalendarActionNew: 'New calendar', LanguageDefault: 'Default', OnDays: 'On days', InfoSaveMessage: 'The message was saved', AppointmentEventParticipants: 'Participants', OfYour: 'of your', Office: 'Office', Personal: 'Personal', PROC_CANT_SET_MSG_AS_SPAM: 'Can\'t mark message(s) as spam', AutoresponderSubject: 'Subject', ZipCode: 'Zip Code', SettingsTabCalendar: 'Calendar', Logout: 'Logout', ShortMonthSeptember: 'Sep', ReminderDay: 'day', MobileSyncTitleText: 'If you\'d like to synchronize your SyncML-enabled handheld device with WebMail, you can use these parameters.
\"Mobile Sync URL\" specifies path to SyncML Data Synchronization server, \"Mobile Sync Login\" is your login on SyncML Data Synchronization Server and use your own password upon request. Also, some devices need to specify database name for contact and calendar data.
Use \"Mobile sync contact database\" and \"Mobile sync calendar database\" respectively.', InfoDeleting: 'Deleting…', CantCreateContactGroup: 'Can\'t create contact group', PROC_ERROR_ACCT_CREATE: 'There was an error while creating account', PROC_CANT_LOAD_CONT_SETTINGS: 'Can\'t load contacts settings', Undelete: 'Undelete', NoFileUploaded: 'No file was uploaded.', AppointmentMsgTitleCancel: 'Event was cancelled.', RegCaptcha: 'Captcha', UseFriendlyName2: '(for example, John Doe <>)', UseFriendlyName1: 'Use Friendly Name', AutoCheckMailIntervalLabel: 'Autocheck interval', CalendarTableDayFriday: 'F', PROC_CANT_GET_MESSAGES_COUNT: 'Can\'t get folder message count.', AllFollowing: 'All following', ErrorContactExists: 'A contact with such name and e-mail already exists.', PurgeDeleted: 'Purge deleted', CharsetChineseTraditional: 'Chinese Traditional (Big5)', TimeArab: 'Arab, Kuwait, Riyadh', TimeGuam: 'Guam, Port Moresby', TimeFiji: 'Fiji Islands, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.', ReportMessageSent: 'Your message has been sent.', ErrorParsing: 'Error while parsing XML.', ReportContactSyncDone: 'Sync complete', RepeatEventNotPartOfASeries: 'This event has been changed and is no longer part of a series.', MailOutAuth2: '(You may leave SMTP login/password fields blank, if they\'re the same as POP3/IMAP4 login/password)', MailOutAuth1: 'Use SMTP authentication', DeleteFromDb: 'Delete message from database if it no longer exists on mail server', OneNewSharedCalendars: '1 new calendar found', TabWeek: 'Week', MailOutLogin: 'SMTP Login', MessagePaneToRight: 'The message pane is to the right of the message list, rather than below', WarningPassNotMatch: 'Passwords do not match, please check.', WarningCorrectFolderName: 'You should specify a correct folder name.', AutoresponderMessage: 'Message', Underline: 'Underline', WarningFieldBlank: 'This field cannot be empty.', AttachmentsUpload: 'Attach Files', FolderTypeDefault: 'Default', SettingsTimeFormat: 'Time Format', ResetQuestion2: 'Secret question 2', ResetQuestion1: 'Secret question 1', CharsetKoreanEUC: 'Korean (EUC)', CharsetKoreanISO: 'Korean (ISO)', MailOutHost: 'Outgoing Mail', MailOutPass: 'SMTP Password', MailOutPort: 'Port', SearchInputText: 'search', ReportAppointmentSaved: ' and notifications were send', AddMoreReminder: 'More reminders', ContactSurName: 'Surname', UndoRepeatExclusion: 'Undo changes to include in the series.', NotSpecifiedYet: 'Not specified yet', CharsetJapaneseShiftJIS: 'Japanese (Shift-JIS)', ReportGroupUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Group has been updated successfully.', NoRepeats: 'Does not repeat', Calendar: 'Calendar', ACCT_CANT_CREATE_IMAP_ACCT: 'Can\'t create new account (IMAP4 connection error)', FullDaySaturday: 'Saturday', TimeHelsinki: 'Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn', DateDDMonth: 'DD Month (01 Jan)', ContactFieldTitle: 'Field', SortOrderAscending: 'Ascending', ResetPass1: 'New password', ResetPass2: 'Repeat password', CharsetCyrillicAlphabetKOI8R: 'Cyrillic Alphabet (KOI8-R)', ContactName: 'Name', ContactMail: 'Send mail', AppointmentSubjectDeleteStart: 'Cancellation of event ', PROC_CANT_UPD_FILTER: 'Can\'t update filter', AppointmentRemoveGuests: 'Cancel Meeting', GroupName: 'Group Name', EventHeaderView: 'View Event', EventHeaderEdit: 'Edit Event', WorkdayRepeats: 'Every weekday (Mon. - Fri.)', InfoPageLoading: 'The page is still loading…', BodySizeCounter: 'Counter', Numbering: 'Numbering', AppointmentParticipants: 'Participants', ResetEmail: 'Please provide your email', WarningIncServerBlank: 'You cannot leave POP3(IMAP4) Server field blank.', AppointmentMsgTitleInvite: 'Invite to event.', AppointmentSubjectUpdateStart: 'Modification of event ', ErrorSMTPAuth: 'Wrong username and/or password. Authentication failed.', CalendarsManager: 'Calendars Manager', GroupMembers: 'Members', TabDay: 'Day', December: 'December', CharsetCentralEuropeanAlphabet: 'Central European Alphabet (Windows)', SlowSearch: 'Search entire messages', TimeIndiana: 'Indiana (East)', WarningContactNotComplete: 'Please enter email or name.', MobileSyncEnableLabel: 'Enable mobile sync', ShortMonthDecember: 'Dec', AddContactsTo: 'Add Contacts to', AllEvents: 'All events in the series', ShowBCC: 'Show BCC', ErrorUpdateSharing1: 'Not possible to share to %s user as it doesn\'t exist', ErrorUpdateSharing2: 'Imposible to share this calendar to user %s', ErrorUpdateSharing3: 'This calendar already shared to user %s', AppointmentListEmails: 'Enter email addresses separated by commas and press Save', DontAddToReplies: 'Don\'t add signatures to Replies and Forwards', MailsOnServerDays: 'day(s)', BackToList: 'Back to List', FilterDesc_At: 'at', WarningEmailFieldBlank: 'You cannot leave \"Email\" field blank.', MarkAsUnread: 'Mark As Unread', Connection: 'Connection', Remove: 'Remove', Rename: 'rename', ReturnReceiptMailText3: 'with subject', ReturnReceiptMailText2: 'Note: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient\'s computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents.', ReturnReceiptMailText1: 'This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to', CommentAddContacts: '(If you\'re going to specify more than one address, please separate them with commas)', TimeCaracas: 'Caracas, La Paz', ReportSignatureUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Signature has been updated successfully.', PROC_CANT_CHANGE_MSG_FLD: 'Can\'t change message(s) folder', ContactDropDownTO: 'TO', ContactDropDownCC: 'CC', ReminderMinutes: 'minutes', NullUserNameonReset: 'user', NextMsg: 'Next Message', Second: 'Second', DefaultOutPortNumber: 'Default SMTP port number is 25.', Saving: 'Saving…', TimeGMT: 'Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London', RepeatMonthsDateInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% months on day %DATE%', RepeatMonthsDateTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% months on day %DATE%, %TIMES% times', RepeatMonthsDateUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% months on day %DATE%, until %UNTIL%', Use24HTimeFormat: 'Use 24 hour time format', WarningIncorrectTime: 'The specified time contains illegal characters.', WarningIncorrectDate: 'The date must be correct.', InboxSyncType: 'Type of Inbox Synchronization', ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth: 'Wrong email/login and/or password. Authentication failed.', CalendarColor: 'Color', SwitchToPlainMode: 'Switch to Plain Text Mode', StreetAddress: 'Street Address', AppointmentEventInformation: 'Event information', InfoRequiredFields: '* required fields', WarningImageUpload: 'The file being attached is not an image. Please choose an image file.', OtherFilterSettings: 'Other filter settings', CalendarTableDayMonday: 'M', RemoveFromGroup: 'Remove from group', MobileSyncLoginTitle: 'Mobile sync login', PicturesBlocked: 'Pictures in this message have been blocked for your safety.', MessageCannotSent: 'The message cannot be sent.', November: 'November', CreateGroup: 'Create Group', RepeatEventHeaderEdit: 'Edit Recurring Event', ConfirmEditRepeatEvent: 'Would you like to change only this event, all events, or this and all future events in the series?', ToolNewEvent: 'New Event', FiltersNo: 'No filters specified yet', SensivityConfidentialMenu: 'Confidential', RepeatWeeksWeekdaysInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on weekdays', FiltersActionDelete: 'delete message', TimeCentral: 'Central Time (US & Canada)', AllGroups: 'All Groups', DateDDMMYY: 'DD/MM/YY', WarningCorrectIncServer: 'You should specify a correct POP3(IMAP) server address.', ContactsPerPage: 'Contacts per page', RepeatWeeksWeekdaysUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on weekdays, until %UNTIL%', InfoSaving: 'Saving…', RegDomainNotExist: 'Domain does not exist.', MonthMoreLink: '%d more...', RepeatWeeksWeekdaysTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on weekdays, %TIMES% times', OnMailServer: 'Create this Folder in WebMail and on Mail Server', MessageSizeExceedsAccountQuota: 'This message size exceeds your account quota.', MailFriendlyName: 'Your name', Signature: 'Signature', AdvancedDateHelpNumericMonth: 'Month (1 through 12)', WarningLoginFieldBlank: 'You cannot leave \"Login\" field blank.', ErrorCheckMail: 'Receiving messages terminated due to an error. Probably, not all the messages were received.', InfoHaveImported: 'You have imported', MarkUnflag: 'Unflag', ReportSettingsUpdated: 'Settings have been updated successfully.', ErrorCantUpdateFilters: 'Can\'t update filters', PROC_ERROR_DEL_FLD: 'There was an error while deleting folder(s)', ShortMonthApril: 'Apr', ShortMonthMarch: 'Mar', AddressBook: 'Address Book', AttachmentsUploadPadding: '34', ReportMessagePartDisplayed: 'Take note that just a part of the message is displayed.', ReportEventSaved: 'Your event has been saved', RegAccountExist: 'This address is already used.', RegReturnLink: 'Return to login screen', Attachments: 'Attachments', TitleEditContact: 'Edit Contact', TimeSantiago: 'Santiago', TimeDefault: 'Default', RegUnknownAdress: 'Unknown email address.', FullDayMonday: 'Monday', WarningEmptySearchLine: 'Empty search line. Please enter substring you need to find.', CalendarEventNullLine: 'No events', TitleWeek: 'Week View', AppointmentRespondMaybe: 'Not sure yet', Company: 'Company', ReportFoldersUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Folders have been updated successfully.', NoMoveDelete: 'Message(s) can\'t be moved to Trash. Most likely your message box is full. Should this unmoved message(s) be deleted?', IndexRegLink: 'Account Registration', ConfirmEmptySubject: 'The subject field is empty. Do you wish to continue?', ConfirmSaveContactsSettings: 'The contacts settings were not saved. Select OK to save.', NotContainSubstring: 'Not contain substring', AdvancedDateHelpConclusion: 'For instance, if you\'ve specified "mm/dd/yyyy" value in the text box of "Advanced" field, the date is displayed as month/day/year (i.e. 11/23/2005)', WarningWorkdayStartsEnds: 'The \'Workday ends\' time must be greater than the \'Workday starts\' time', September: 'September', RepeatDescWeek: 'week', RepeatDescYear: 'year', EventCreate: 'Create event', SelectImportFile: 'Select the file (.CSV format) that you want to import', CharsetArabicAlphabet: 'Arabic Alphabet (Windows)', TimePacific: 'Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana', AppointmentSubjectAddFrom: ' from ', TimeEasternEurope: 'Bucharest', PROC_CANT_UPDATE_CONT_SETTINGS: 'Can\'t update contacts settings', DeletingMessage: 'Deleting message', CantCreateUser: 'Can\'t create user', CalendarPublicate: 'Make public web access to this calendar', YearlyRepeats: 'Yearly', DateMMDDYY: 'MM/DD/YY', TitleConfirmation: 'Confirmation', TimeSarajevo: 'Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb', TimeSriLanka: 'Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka', SearchClear: 'Clear search', FullMonthFebruary: 'February', RepeatWeeksTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on %DAYS%, %TIMES% times', RepeatWeeksUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on %DAYS%, until %UNTIL%', MarkAllRead: 'Mark All Read', InsertLink: 'Insert Link', ShortMonthJanuary: 'Jan', RepeatWeeksInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% weeks on %DAYS%', AppointmentHaventRespond: 'Not responded yet', PROC_CANT_DEL_CONT_GROUPS: 'Can\'t delete contact(s) and/or groups', SharedTitleEmail: 'E-mail', EventRepeats: 'Repeats', SensivityPersonalMenu: 'Personal', PasswordResetTitle: 'Password recovery - step %d', CountryRegion: 'Country/Region', ReportContactsSettingsUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Contacts\' settings have been updated successfully.', HideFullHeaders: 'Hide Full Headers', PROC_SESSION_ERROR: 'The previous session was terminated due to a timeout.', PROC_CANT_MARK_MSGS_UNREAD: 'Can\'t mark message(s) as unread', ReportAccountCreatedSuccessfuly: 'Account has been created successfully.', MailIncLogin: 'Login', RequestReadConfirmation: 'Request Return Confirmation', InfoSendMessage: 'The message was sent', AppointmentAwaitingResponse: 'Awaiting response', CharsetHebrewAlphabetISO: 'Hebrew Alphabet (ISO)', WarningInputCorrectEmails: 'Please specify correct emails.', ErrorGetPublicationHash: 'Unable to create publication link', Background: 'Background', WarningContactsPerPage: 'Contacts per page value is positive number', ReportSettingsUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Settings have been updated successfully.', WarningGroupAlreadyExist: 'Group with such name already exists. Please specify another name.', WarningCalendarNameBlank: 'You cannot leave the calendar name blank.', ContactViewAllMails: 'View all mails with this contact', ContactsCount: 'contact(s)', PROC_CANT_DEL_ACCT_BY_ID: 'Can\'t delete account', PROC_CANT_INS_NEW_FILTER: 'Can\'t insert new filter', TimeCentralAmerica: 'Central America', ErrorMaximumUsersLicenseIsExceeded: 'User couldn\'t be created because max number of users allowed by your license exceeded.', ButtonCancel: 'Cancel', CalendarActionEdit: 'Edit Calendar', RepeatEveryMonthDateInfin: 'Every month on day %DATE%', AdvancedDateHelpWeekOfYear: 'Week of year (1 through 53)', DateToday: 'Today', MarkAsRead: 'Mark As Read', CalendarRemove: 'Remove Calendar', TimeYakutsk: 'Yakutsk', RepeatEveryMonthDateTimes: 'Every month on day %DATE%, %TIMES% times', RepeatEveryMonthDateUntil: 'Every month on day %DATE%, until %UNTIL%', WarningUntilDateBlank: 'Please specify end recurrence date', TitleContacts: 'Contacts', January: 'January', AccountPasswordsDoNotMatch: 'Passwords do not match.', ServerIsDisable: 'Using mail server is prohibited by administrator.', CharsetWesternAlphabet: 'Western Alphabet (Windows)', InfoNoContactsGroups: 'No contacts or groups.', FullDayFriday: 'Friday', TimeMagadan: 'Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia', WarningOutServerBlank: 'You cannot leave \"Outgoing Mail\" field blank.', SettingsTabMobileSync: 'Mobile Sync', AppointmentEventName: 'Name:', PreviousPage: 'Previous Page', AppointmentEventWhen: 'When', RegAnswer1: 'Answer 1', RegAnswer2: 'Answer 2', Charset: 'Charset', WarningMessagesPerPage: 'Messages per page value is positive number', PROC_CANT_MARK_ALL_MSG_READ: 'Can\'t mark all messages as read', DefCharsetInc: 'Default incoming charset', DefCharsetOut: 'Default outgoing charset', ErrorDomainExist: 'The user cannot be created because corresponding domain doesn\'t exist. You should create the domain first.', AppointmentRespondYes: 'I will participate', AddReminderAnd: 'and % before', InfoToDelete: 'To delete ', AppointmentOrganizer: 'Organizer', ContactsMessage: 'This is contacts page!!!', TimeMidwayIsland: 'Midway Island, Samoa', ConfirmAreYouSure: 'Are you sure?', TimeMexicoCity: 'Mexico City, Tegucigalpa', EventFrom: 'From', EventTill: 'till', ChangeAccount: 'Change account', UseFriendlyNm2: '(Your name <>)', UseFriendlyNm1: 'Use Friendly Name in \"From:\" field', AdvancedDateHelpQuarter: 'Quarter', PROC_CANT_GET_CONTS_FROM_DB: 'Can\'t get contact(s) from DB', FullMonthAugust: 'August', AddToAddressBokk: 'Add to Contacts', ErrorRequestFailed: 'The data transfer has not been completed', Pop3SyncTypeEntireHeaders: 'Headers Only', WarningIncPassBlank: 'You cannot leave POP3(IMAP4) Password field blank.', ResetAnswer1: 'Answer', ResetAnswer2: 'Answer', SettingsDefaultTab: 'Default Tab', TimeMidAtlantic: 'Mid-Atlantic', NoEndRepeatEvent: 'No end date', JobTitle: 'Job Title', ErrorGetSharing: 'Unable to add sharing', ReturnReceiptSubject: 'Return Receipt (displayed)', TimeCapeVerde: 'Cape Verde Is.', RepeatEveryYearWDTimes: 'Every year on %NUMBER% %DAY%, %TIMES% times', RepeatEveryYearWDUntil: 'Every year on %NUMBER% %DAY%, until %UNTIL%', PROC_CANT_DEL_MSGS: 'Can\'t delete message(s)', DeleteSelected: 'Delete Selected', WarningFolderMove: 'The folder can\'t be moved because this is another level.', AddNewAccount: 'Add New Account', CharsetChineseSimplifiedEUC: 'Chinese Simplified (EUC)', PROC_CANT_CREATE_FLD: 'Can\'t create folder', RepeatEveryYearWDInfin: 'Every year on %NUMBER% %DAY%', TestButton: 'TEST', AttachmentStopped: 'Stopped.', AltToday: 'Today', FilterPhrase: 'If there\'s %field header %condition %string then %action', AppointmentRespondNo: 'Will not participate', PROC_CANT_GET_CONT_FROM_DB: 'Can\'t get contact from DB', B: 'B', ButtonDelete: 'Delete', ReportContactAddedToGroup: 'Contact(s) was added to group', Go: 'Go', Mb: 'MB', CC: 'CC', No: 'No', Of: 'of', OK: 'OK', Kb: 'KB', To: 'To', Re: 'Re', MobileSyncUrlTitle: 'Mobile sync URL', FolderSpam: 'Spam', FolderName: 'Folder Name', AddNewFolder: 'Add New Folder', OtherEmail: 'Other E-mail', InfoSingleDoubleClick: 'You can either single-click any message in the list to preview it here or double-click to view it full size.', AdvancedDateHelpTextualMonth: 'Month (Jan through Dec)', SwitchToFullForm: 'Switch To Full Form', WarningIncorrectFromTime: 'The \"From\" time is incorrect.', ReplyAll: 'Reply to All', TitleSettings: 'Settings', ShortMonthOctober: 'Oct', WarningStartEndDate: 'The end date must be greater or equal to the start date.', WarningStartEndTime: 'The end time must be greater than the start time.', PROC_CANT_GET_FILTER_LIST: 'Can\'t get filters list', PROC_CANT_LOG_NONDEF: 'Can\'t login into non-default account', WarningLoginBlank: 'You cannot leave
\"Login\" field blank.', CaptchaError: 'Captcha text is incorrect.', WarningIncPortBlank: 'You cannot leave POP3(IMAP4) Server Port field blank.', PROC_CANT_GET_SETTINGS: 'Can\'t get settings', WebMailException: 'Internal Server Error. Please, contact your system administrator in order to report the problem.', EventSubject: 'Subject', FileIsTooBig: 'The file is too big', ErrorDeleteEvent: 'Unable to delete event', CaptchaTitle: 'Captcha', LANG_Password: 'Password', October: 'October', CalendarTableDayTuesday: 'T', ButtonClose: 'Close', DefTimeFormat: 'Default time format', ErrorInvalidCSV: 'CSV file you selected has invalid format.', MessagesInFolder: 'Message(s) in Folder', PROC_WRONG_ACCT_PWD: 'Wrong account password', RepeatDaysUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% days, until %UNTIL%', DefTimeOffset: 'Default time offset', ErrorGeneral: 'An error occured on the server. Try again later.', FullDaySunday: 'Sunday', SyncTypeDirectMode: 'Direct Mode', InfoNewContacts: 'new contact(s) into your contacts list.', RepeatDaysTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% days, %TIMES% times', ErrorTurnedOffActiveX: 'ActiveX support is turned off .
You should turn it on in order to use this application.', TimeSeoul: 'Seoul, Korea Standard time', TimeParis: 'Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', TimePerth: 'Perth, Western Australia', ReportAutoresponderUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Autoresponder has been updated successfully.', RepeatDaysInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% days', TimeTokyo: 'Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo', TimeTonga: 'Nuku\'alofa, Tonga', AttachmentComplete: 'Complete.', Justify: 'Justify', TimeCairo: 'Cairo', FullMonthSeptember: 'September', LANG_SignMe: 'Sign me in automatically', Add: 'Add', Fax: 'Fax', Fwd: 'Fwd', Day: 'Day', BCC: 'BCC', May: 'May', Low: 'Low', Yes: 'Yes', TimeDhaka: 'Astana, Dhaka', TimeKabul: 'Kabul', Email: 'Email', Every: 'Every', Event: 'Event', TimeNepal: 'Kathmandu, Nepal', Apply: 'Apply', April: 'April', Field: 'Field', First: 'First', ReminderOpenCalendar: 'Open calendar', Month: 'Month', March: 'March', InfoNoNewMessages: 'There are no new messages.', Close: 'Close', WarningOutPortNumber: 'You should specify a positive number in SMTP port field.', Imap4: 'IMAP4', Notes: 'Notes', TitleEvent: 'Event', Other: 'Other', TimeAdelaide: 'Adelaide, Central Australia', FullDayWednesday: 'Wednesday', TitleMonth: 'Month View', AccountConfirmNewPassword: 'Confirm new password', Third: 'Third', Total: 'Total', Reply: 'Reply', EditContact: 'Edit contact information', Print: 'Print', Pager: 'Pager', Phone: 'Phone', TitleLogin: 'Login', ErrorAppointmentChangeRespond: 'Unable to change appointment respond', LoggingToServer: 'Logging on to server…', TitleSelectedContacts: 'Selected Contacts', DayToolTuesday: 'Tue', DayToolThursday: 'Thu', SettingsShowWeekends: 'Show weekends', Business: 'Business', EditMessage: 'Edit Message', SettingsTimeZone: 'Time Zone', NoParent: 'No Parent', PersonalEmail: 'Personal E-mail', TimeKrasnoyarsk: 'Krasnoyarsk', PROC_MSG_HAS_DELETED: 'This message has already been deleted from the mail server', CalendarTableDaySaturday: 'S', InfoNoMessageSelected: 'No message selected.', ShowPictures: 'Show pictures', PROC_CANT_PURGE_MSGS: 'Can\'t purge message(s)', FileLargerAttachment: 'The file size exceeds Attachment Size limit.', WarningEmptyFolderName: 'Please enter folder name', LastPage: 'Last Page', FullMonthMay: 'May', ConfirmSavefolders: 'The folders were not saved. Select OK to save.', GroupsCount: 'group(s)', Contacts: 'Contacts', EventRepeatDataTab: 'Recurrence details', FullMonthJanuary: 'January', IndexResetLink: 'Forgot password?', ToolToday: 'Today', TitleViewContact: 'View Contact', ShowFullHeaders: 'Show Full Headers', InfoGroupsOfContact: 'The groups the contact is member of are marked with checkmarks.', ReportClickHere: 'click here', ShareCalendar: 'Share this calendar', MailBoxIsFull: 'Mailbox is full', FileLargerThan: 'File upload error. Most probably, the file is larger than ', AddReminderBefore: 'Remind me % before this event', WarningCorrectSMTPServer: 'You should specify a correct Outgoing Mail address.', Synchronize: 'Synchronize', CheckMail: 'Check Mail', SensivityNothingMenu: 'Nothing', ErrorParseJSON: 'The JSON response returned by the server cannot be parsed.', AutoresponderEnable: 'Enable autoresponder', AutoSelect: 'Auto-Select', RegSignMeDesc: 'Do not ask for login and password on next login to the system on this PC.', InfoEmptyFolder: 'The folder is empty', TitleMessagesList: 'Message List', PROC_CANT_SET_MSG_AS_NOTSPAM: 'Can\'t mark message(s) as non-spam', SettingsDisplayName: 'Display Name', ShowViewPane: 'Message list with preview pane', WarningEmailFieldFilling: 'You should fill e-mail field first', NewFolder: 'New Folder', RepeatYearsWDUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% years on %NUMBER% %DAY%, until %UNTIL%', NewFilter: 'Add New Filter', PROC_CANT_DEL_FILTER_BY_ID: 'Can\'t delete filter', RepeatYearsWDTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% years on %NUMBER% %DAY%, %TIMES% times', CaptchaReloadLink: 'reload', RepeatYearsWDInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% years on %NUMBER% %DAY%', FolderTrash: 'Trash', AccountNewPassword: 'New password', RegAnswersIncorrect: 'Answers are incorrect.', SwitchToHTML: 'Switch to HTML View', ResetSubmitStep4: 'Return', ResetSubmitStep2: 'Send', ResetSubmitStep3: 'Send', ResetSubmitStep1: 'Send', FolderInbox: 'Inbox', TimeBaghdad: 'Baghdad', InfoNoMessagesFound: 'No messages found.', WarningEmailBlank: 'You cannot leave
\"Email\" field blank.', CharsetHebrewAlphabet: 'Hebrew Alphabet (Windows)', EmailAccounts: 'Email Accounts', TimeBangkok: 'Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta', WrongEmails: 'Incorrect emails:', DoNothing: 'Do nothing', WarningCorrectEmail: 'You should specify a correct e-mail.', MessageShowDetails: 'Show details', WarningCorrectLogin: 'You should specify a correct login.', RepeatDescDay: 'day', WarningMailsOnServerDays: 'You should specify a positive number in Messages on server days field.', NewMessages: 'New Messages', InfoWebMailLoading: 'WebMail is loading…', February: 'February', PROC_CANT_GET_FLDS: 'Can\'t get folders tree', EmptyTrash: 'Empty Trash', CalendarHeader: 'Calendar', InWebMail: 'Create this Folder Only in WebMail', PROC_CANT_SAVE_MSG: 'Can\'t save message.', ReportMessageSaved: 'Your message has been saved.', ErrorIMAP4Connect: 'Can\'t connect to IMAP4 server, check IMAP4 server settings.', StandardLogin: 'Standard Login', RepeatMonthsWDInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% months on %NUMBER% %DAY%', AlignRight: 'Align Right', FolderSentItems: 'Sent Items', ImportContacts: 'Import Contacts', TimeBeijing: 'Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR, Urumqi', RepeatMonthsWDUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% months on %NUMBER% %DAY%, until %UNTIL%', RepeatMonthsWDTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% months on %NUMBER% %DAY%, %TIMES% times', Birthday: 'Birthday', InsertImage: 'Insert Image', Settings: 'Settings', FullDayTuesday: 'Tuesday', AltBack: 'Back', CalendarTableDayThursday: 'T', TreatAsOrganization: 'Treat as an organization', LANG_Login: 'Login', ACCT_CANT_DEL_LAST_DEF_ACCT: 'Can\'t delete last default account', ReportCalendarSaved: 'Calendar has been saved.', SearchResultsFor: 'Search results for', LANG_Email: 'Email', LANG_Enter: 'Enter', RepeatEvent: 'Repeat this event', ConfirmDeleteAccount: 'Are you sure you want to delete account?', ConfirmUndoOneRepeat: 'Would you like to restore this event in the series?', QuickReply: 'Quick Reply', ErrorAppointmentSend: 'Can\'t send invitations.', ReminderEventBegin: 'starts at: ', ShowFoldersMapping: 'Let me use another folder as a system folder (e.g. use MyFolder as Sent Items)', CharsetCyrillicAlphabetISO: 'Cyrillic Alphabet (ISO)', TitleViewMessage: 'View Message', FullMonthDecember: 'December', EventHeaderNew: 'New Event', TimeIslamabad: 'Islamabad, Karachi, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent', ErrorAbsentXMLHttpRequest: 'The object XMLHttpRequest is absent', PROC_CANT_UNDEL_MSGS: 'Can\'t undelete message(s)', DefDateFormat: 'Default date format', FirstPage: 'First Page', DailyRepeats: 'Daily', WarningOutPortBlank: 'You cannot leave SMTP Server Port field blank.', ContactSyncError: 'Sync failed', RegSubmitButtonValue: 'Register', GettingMsgsNum: 'Getting number of messages', YouUsing: 'You are using', AppointmentAdditionalParameters: 'Additional parameters', SettingsDateFormat: 'Date Format', ResetTopDescStep3: 'please specify below new password for your email.', DomainDosntExist: 'Such domain doesn\'t exist on mail server.', PROC_CANT_SEND_MSG: 'Can\'t send message.', ShowThisFolder: 'Show This Folder', CharsetDefault: 'Default', RegPass1: 'Password', RegPass2: 'Repeat password ', RegEmail: 'e-mail address', WarningEmptyImportFile: 'Please select a file by clicking the browse button', ConfirmSaveAcctProp: 'The account properties were not saved. Select OK to save.', FolderQuarantine: 'Quarantine', CantCreateAccount: 'Can\'t create account', SettingsWeekStartsOn: 'Week starts on', ReportViewEntireMessage: 'To view the entire message,', AppointmentAddGuests: 'Add guests', MarkGrey: 'Mark grey', MarkFlag: 'Flag', PROC_CANT_SET_MSG_FLAGS: 'Can\'t set message flag(s)', MessageForAddr: 'to', ErrorUpdateEvent: 'Unable to save event', RegQuestion2: 'Secret question 2', RegQuestion1: 'Secret question 1', CharsetVietnameseAlphabet: 'Vietnamese Alphabet (Windows)', Outlook1: 'Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003', Outlook2: 'Microsoft Outlook Express 6', TimeBuenosAires: 'Buenos Aires, Georgetown', ReportContactSuccessfulyAdded: 'Contact was successfully added.', OddDayRepeats: 'Every Mon., Wed. and Fri.', AlwaysShowPictures: 'Always show pictures in messages', ErrorCalendarNotCreated: 'Calendar not created.', ErrorConnectionFailed: 'Failed to connect', TimeEastAfrica: 'East Africa, Nairobi', ShortMonthNovember: 'Nov', ShowPicturesFromSender: 'Always show pictures in messages from this sender', ContactNickName: 'Nickname', TimeSingapore: 'Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', CancelRecurrence: 'Cancel recurrence', MonthlyRepeats: 'Monthly', RepeatEveryYearDateUntil: 'Every year on day %DATE%, until %UNTIL%', RepeatEveryYearDateTimes: 'Every year on day %DATE%, %TIMES% times', MessageNoSubject: 'No subject', TitleViewGroup: 'View Group', CharsetJapanese: 'Japanese', TimeArizona: 'Arizona', WarningServerPortBlank: 'You cannot leave POP3 and
SMTP server/port fields blank.', SendMessage: 'Send', ButtonSave: 'Save', RepeatEveryYearDateInfin: 'Every year on day %DATE%', LANG_OutServer: 'Outgoing Mail', PROC_CANT_UPDATE_ACCT: 'Can\'t update account', PROC_CANT_UPDATE_CONT: 'Can\'t update contact', UseImportTo: 'Use Import to copy your contacts from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express into your AfterLogic WebMail contacts list.', ResetCaptcha: 'CAPTCHA', SensivityPrivate: 'Please treat this message as Private', NoSubject: 'No subject', UnknownUploadError: 'An unknown file upload error occurred.', PROC_CANT_MAIL_SIZE: 'Can\'t get mail storage size.', TimeGreenland: 'Greenland', SearchIn: 'Search in: ', WarningToBlank: 'You cannot leave \"To\" field blank', MessageHideDetails: 'Hide details', TimeAtlanticCanada: 'Atlantic Time (Canada)', CalendarPublicationLink: 'Link', MobileSyncCalendarDataBaseTitle: 'Mobile sync calendar database', ResetEmailDesc: 'Provide emails address used for registration.', AttachFile: 'Attach File', InvalidUid: 'Invalid Message UID', AppointmentOwner: 'Owner', CaptionSubscribed: 'Subscribed', CharsetWesternAlphabetISO: 'Western Alphabet (ISO)', ReportAccountUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Account has been updated successfully.', TimeMountain: 'Mountain Time (US & Canada)', ResetTopDesc2Step2: 'Please confirm correctness.', AutoresponderTitle: 'Autoresponder', InfoDeleteContent: 'folder you should delete all its contents first.', Department: 'Department', TimeBrasilia: 'Brasilia', WhiteList: 'Address Book as White List', AdvancedDateHelpDayOfYear: 'Day of year (1 through 366)', AdvancedDateHelpDayOfWeek: 'Day of week (Mon through Sun)', ErrorPOP3Connect: 'Can\'t connect to POP3 server, check POP3 server settings.', SensivityPersonal: 'Please treat this message as Personal', ForwardedMessageTitle: 'Forwarded Message', ReportContactUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Contact has been updated successfully.', WarningImportFileType: 'Please select the application that you want to copy your contacts from', SaveMessage: 'Save', CalendarPublishedTitle: 'This calendar is published', LoggingOffFromServer: 'Logging off from server…', ConfirmDeleteCalendar: 'Are you sure you want to delete calendar', ErrorImportContacts: 'Error while importing contacts', AppointmentRefused: 'Refused', PROC_CANT_LOAD_LANG: 'Can\'t find required language file.', PROC_CANT_LOAD_ACCT: 'The account doesn\'t exist, perhaps, it has just been deleted.', AppointmentGuestsChangeEvent: 'Guests can change event', RegRegistrationTitle: 'Registration', TimeEkaterinburg: 'Ekaterinburg', EditFilter: 'Edit filter', TimeRangoon: 'Rangoon', DateAdvanced: 'Advanced', FilterDesc_Field: 'field', ReplyTo: 'Reply To', ResetTopDesc1Step2: 'Providede email address', ManageFolders: 'Manage Folders', SensivityMenu: 'Sensitivity', TimeSydney: 'Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart', RepeatEveryMonthWDInfin: 'Every month on %NUMBER% %DAY%', Refresh: 'Refresh', RegName: 'Name', RegLang: 'Interface language', AttachmentCancelled: 'Cancelled.', TitleNewContact: 'New Contact', PROC_CANT_GET_ACCT_LIST: 'Can\'t get account list', SpellNoSuggestions: 'No suggestions', RepeatEveryMonthWDUntil: 'Every month on %NUMBER% %DAY%, until %UNTIL%', RepeatEveryMonthWDTimes: 'Every month on %NUMBER% %DAY%, %TIMES% times', TabMonth: 'Month', MarkAllUnread: 'Mark All Unread', LookFor: 'Look for: ', Loading: 'Loading…', FullDayThursday: 'Thursday', FiltersLoading: 'Loading Filters...', ReportFiltersUpdatedSuccessfuly: 'Filters have been updated successfully.', SortFieldAttachments: 'Attachments', CharsetUniversalAlphabetUTF7: 'Universal Alphabet (UTF-7)', CharsetUniversalAlphabetUTF8: 'Universal Alphabet (UTF-8)', ErrorNotSupportBrowser: 'AfterLogic Calendar doesn\'t support your browser. Please use FireFox 2.0 or higher, Opera 9.0 or higher, Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, Safari 3.0.2 or higher.', SettingsWorkdayEnds: 'ends', AdvancedLogin: 'Advanced Login', PROC_CANT_INS_NEW_CONTS: 'Can\'t insert new contact(s)', PROC_CANT_INS_NEW_GROUP: 'Can\'t insert new group', FullMonthApril: 'April', CharsetLatin3AlphabetISO: 'Latin 3 Alphabet (ISO)', FullMonthMarch: 'March', TimePrague: 'Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', ShareHeaderEdit: 'Share and publish calendar', TimeVladivostock: 'Vladivostok', SortFieldSize: 'Size', SortFieldDate: 'Date', SortFieldFrom: 'From', SortFieldFlag: 'Flag', Spellcheck: 'Check Spelling', RepeatsEvery: 'Repeats every', NoNewSharedCalendars: 'No new calendars', CharsetArabicAlphabetISO: 'Arabic Alphabet (ISO)', ConsiderXSpam: 'Consider X-Spam headers', PROC_CANT_ADD_NEW_CONT_TO_GRP: 'Can\'t add contact(s) into group', InfoLoading: 'Loading…', PROC_CANT_INS_NEW_CONT: 'Can\'t insert new contact', ReminderEmailExplanation: 'This message has come to your account %EMAIL% because you ordered event notification in your calendar %CALENDAR_NAME%', AppointmentMoreInfo: 'More info', RepeatEveryDayUntil: 'Every day, until %UNTIL%', SearchResultsInAllFolders: 'Search results for \"#s\" in all mail folders:', AltNewEvent: 'New Event', AutoCheckMailIntervalDisableName: 'Disable', PROC_CANT_UPD_FLD: 'Can\'t update folder', RepeatEveryDayTimes: 'Every day, %TIMES% times', Properties: 'Properties', RepeatEveryDayInfin: 'Every day', WarningGroupNotComplete: 'Please enter group name.', UseCalendars: 'Use calendars', AttachmentPending: 'Pending...', TimeBrisbane: 'Brisbane, East Australia', RepliedMessageTitle: 'Replied Message', ContainExactPhrase: 'Contain exact phrase', SetRepeatEventEnd: 'Set end date', ShortMonthJune: 'Jun', ShortMonthJuly: 'Jul', SharePermission3: 'Can see all event details', SharePermission2: 'Can make changes to events', SharePermission1: 'Can make changes and manage sharing', SharePermission4: 'Can see only free/busy (hide details)', FullMonthNovember: 'November', TimeTehran: 'Tehran', TimeTaipei: 'Taipei', ConfirmBodySize2: 'characters long. Everything beyond the limit will be truncated. Click \"Cancel\" if you want to edit the message.', ConfirmBodySize1: 'Sorry, but text messages are max.', SearchResultsInFolder: 'Search results for \"#s\" in #f folder:', ErrorWithoutDesc: 'The error without description occured', ConfirmExitFromNewMessage: 'If you navigate away from this page without saving, you will lose all changes made since your last save. Click cancel to stay on the current page.', RetrievingMessage: 'Retrieving message', WarningEmptyFilter: 'Please enter substring', RefreshSharedCalendars: 'Refresh Shared Calendars', SyncFolder: 'Synchronized folder', SpellWait: 'Please wait…', ShortMonthMay: 'May', RepliedForwardedMessageTitle: 'Replied and Forwarded Message', ImageUpload: 'Insert', Title_CheckSharedCalendars: 'Check Shared Calendars', PROC_WRONG_ACCT_ACCESS: 'An attempt of unauthorized access to account of another user detected.', WarningFromBlank: 'You cannot leave \"From\" field blank.', WarningCsvExtention: 'Extention should be .csv', ContactTitle: 'Title', CalendarDefaultName: 'My Calendar', DayToolWednesday: 'Wed', SyncTypeAllHeaders: 'All Headers', SyncTypeNewHeaders: 'New Headers', CalendarName: 'Calendar Name', MissingTempFile: 'The temporary file is missing.', SessionIsEmpty: 'Session is empty', MailIncHost: 'Incoming Mail', TitleNewMessage: 'New Message', MailIncPort: 'Port', MailIncPass: 'Password', TimeNewfoundland: 'Newfoundland', ErrorDeleteCalendar: 'Unable to delete calendar', SwitchToHTMLMode: 'Switch to HTML Mode', OriginalMessage: 'Original Message', AlertNoContactsGroupsSelected: 'No contacts or groups selected.', AlignLeft: 'Align Left', ShareActionEdit: 'Share and publish calendar', FiltersCondContainSubstr: 'containing substring', Filters: 'Filters', PROC_CANT_LOAD_SIGNATURE: 'Can\'t load account signature', WarningWrongUntilDate: 'End recurrence date must be later than the start recurrence date', LANG_IncServer: 'Incoming Mail', RepeatDescMonth: 'month', EndRepeatEventAfter: 'End after', CharsetBalticAlphabet: 'Baltic Alphabet (Windows)', ContactDropDownBCC: 'BCC', ShortMonthFebruary: 'Feb', ParentFolder: 'Parent Folder', LANG_IncPort: 'Port', QuickSearch: 'Search the \"From\", \"To\" and \"Subject\" fields only (quicker).', RegTimeZone: 'Time zone', Condition: 'Condition', MoveToFolder: 'Move To Folder', Messages: 'Message(s)', FolderTypeMapTo: 'Use for', PreviousMsg: 'Previous Message', PROC_CANT_REMOVE_MSG_FLAGS: 'Can\'t remove message flag(s)', ConfirmMessagesPermanentlyDeleted: 'All messages in this folder will be permanently deleted.', TimeCaucasus: 'Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan', HideBCC: 'Hide BCC', Title_MyCalendars: 'My calendars', CalendarHeaderEdit: 'Edit Calendar', MsgList: 'Messages', InfoListNotContainAddress: 'If the list doesn\'t contain the address you\'re looking for, keep typing its first chars.', AppointmentEventWillYou: 'Will you participate', CalendarHeaderNew: 'New Calendar', EndRepeatEventBy: 'End by', MissingTempFolder: 'The temporary folder is missing.', NewContact: 'New Contact', TimeMonrovia: 'Casablanca, Monrovia', EventCalendar: 'Calendar', ResetDescStep4: 'Your password has been changed.', PROC_CANT_MARK_ALL_MSG_UNREAD: 'Can\'t mark all messages as unread', CharsetTurkishAlphabet: 'Turkish Alphabet', PROC_FOLDER_EXIST: 'Folder name already exist', SettingsWorkdayStarts: 'Workday starts', ErrorLoadEvents: 'Unable to load events', CharsetBalticAlphabetISO: 'Baltic Alphabet (ISO)', ExportToICalendar: 'Export to iCalendar', FiltersCondEqualTo: 'equal to', WeeklyRepeats: 'Weekly', LANG_UseSmtpAuth: 'Use SMTP authentication', Folders: 'Folders', AdvancedDateHelpDayOfMonth: 'Day of month (1 through 31)', Occurrences: 'occurrences', DefaultIncPortNumber: 'Default POP3(IMAP4) port number is 110(143).', TimeBerlin: 'Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', TimeBombay: 'Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, India Standard Time', TimeBogota: 'Bogota, Lima, Quito', ACCT_CANT_ADD_DEF_ACCT: 'This account cannot be added because it\'s used as a default account by another user.', TimeWestCentralAfrica: 'West Central Africa', TimeAthens: 'Athens, Istanbul, Minsk', Forward: 'Forward', ErrorEmptyXmlPacket: 'Empty XML packet', ReloadFolders: 'Reload Folders Tree', TimeAzores: 'Azores', FullMonthJune: 'June', FullMonthJuly: 'July', ShortMonthAugust: 'Aug', EvenDayRepeats: 'Every Tues. and Thurs.', TitleNewGroup: 'New Group', FilePartiallyUploaded: 'Only a part of the file was uploaded due to an unknown error.', TimeAlmaty: 'Almaty, Novosibirsk, North Central Asia', TimeAlaska: 'Alaska', AlertNoContactsSelected: 'No contacts selected.', TimeEniwetok: 'Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Dateline Time', ClassicVersion: 'Classic Version', ReminderNone: 'None', ReminderHour: 'hour', ReminderDays: 'days', ReminderWeek: 'week', ReminderEmailFriendly: 'reminder', DayToolSaturday: 'Sat', DirectAccess: 'D', LANG_LoginInfo: 'Login Information', AppointmentEventDescription: 'Description', DirectAccessTitle: 'Direct Mode. WebMail accesses messages directly on mail server.', MobileSyncContactDataBaseTitle: 'Mobile sync contact database', ShowFoldersMappingNote: 'For instance, to change Sent Items location from Sent Items to MyFolder, specify \"Sent Items\" in \"Use for\" dropdown of \"MyFolder\".', WarningMarkListItem: 'Please mark at least one item in the list.', ConfirmSaveSignature: 'The signature was not saved. Select OK to save.', GetmailAtLogin: 'Get/Synchronize Mails at login', DateDefault: 'Default', DefaultEmail: 'Email', HorizontalLine: 'Horizontal Line', TimeWellington: 'Auckland, Wellington', SensivityConfidential: 'Please treat this message as Confidential', MailSelected: 'Mail selected addresses', ConfirmSaveSettings: 'The settings were not saved. Select OK to save.', OperationSpam: 'Spam', RemoveLink: 'Remove Link', RepeatYearsDateUntil: 'Every %PERIOD% years on day %DATE%, until %UNTIL%', SyncTypeNewMessages: 'New Messages', RepeatYearsDateTimes: 'Every %PERIOD% years on day %DATE%, %TIMES% times', From: 'From', Date: 'Date', Msgs: 'Msg\'s', Back: 'Back', Bold: 'Bold', City: 'City', Name: 'Name', Next: 'Next', Last: 'Last', July: 'July', June: 'June', High: 'High', Home: 'Home', View: 'View', Sent: 'Sent', Save: 'Save', Skin: 'Skin', Size: 'Size', Prev: 'Prev', Pop3: 'POP3', Year: 'Year', RepeatYearsDateInfin: 'Every %PERIOD% years on day %DATE%', RegEmailDesc: 'For example, This information will be used to enter the system.', CalendarShowOther: 'Show other calendars', ReturnReceiptTopText: 'The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you receive this message.', ReturnReceiptTopLink: 'Click here to notify the sender.', AddReminderAlso: 'and also % before', DisableRTE: 'Disable rich-text editor', ResetReturnLink: 'Return to login screen', CalendarHideOther: 'Hide other calendars', Subject: 'Subject', SortOrderDescending: 'Descending', SwitchToPlain: 'Switch to Plain Text View', SyncTypeNo: 'Don\'t Synchronize', LanguageArabic: 'العربية', LanguageChineseSimplified: 'Chinese Simplified', LanguageChineseTraditional: 'Chinese Traditional', LanguageDanish: 'Dansk', LanguageDutch: 'Nederlands', LanguageEnglish: 'English', LanguageFrench: 'Français', LanguageGerman: 'Deutsch', LanguageHebrew: 'עברית', LanguageHungarian: 'Magyar', LanguageItalian: 'Italiano', LanguageNorwegian: 'Norsk', LanguagePolish: 'Polski', LanguagePortugueseBrazil: 'Português Brasil', LanguageRussian: 'Русский', LanguageSpanish: 'Español', LanguageSwedish: 'Svenska', LanguageTurkish: 'Türkçe', LanguageUkrainian: 'Українська', LanguageJapanese: '日本語', LanguageThai: 'ภาษาไทย', LanguageGreek: 'Ελληνικά' } var $Monthes = Array(); $Monthes[0] = Lang.Month; $Monthes[1] = Lang.January; $Monthes[2] = Lang.February; $Monthes[3] = Lang.March; $Monthes[4] = Lang.April; $Monthes[5] = Lang.May; $Monthes[6] = Lang.June; $Monthes[7] = Lang.July; $Monthes[8] = Lang.August; $Monthes[9] = Lang.September; $Monthes[10] = Lang.October; $Monthes[11] = Lang.November; $Monthes[12] = Lang.December; Lang.Monthes = $Monthes; var Charsets = [ { Name: Lang.CharsetDefault, Value: '0' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetArabicAlphabetISO, Value: '28596' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetArabicAlphabet, Value: '1256' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetBalticAlphabetISO, Value: '28594' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetBalticAlphabet, Value: '1257' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetCentralEuropeanAlphabetISO, Value: '28592' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetCentralEuropeanAlphabet, Value: '1250' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetChineseSimplifiedEUC, Value: '51936' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetChineseSimplifiedGB, Value: '936' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetChineseTraditional, Value: '950' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetCyrillicAlphabetISO, Value: '28595' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetCyrillicAlphabetKOI8R, Value: '20866' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetCyrillicAlphabet, Value: '1251' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetGreekAlphabetISO, Value: '28597' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetGreekAlphabet, Value: '1253' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetHebrewAlphabetISO, Value: '28598' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetHebrewAlphabet, Value: '1255' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetJapanese, Value: '50220' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetJapaneseShiftJIS, Value: '932' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetKoreanEUC, Value: '949' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetKoreanISO, Value: '50225' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetLatin3AlphabetISO, Value: '28593' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetTurkishAlphabet, Value: '1254' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetUniversalAlphabetUTF7, Value: '65000' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetUniversalAlphabetUTF8, Value: '65001' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetVietnameseAlphabet, Value: '1258'}, { Name: Lang.CharsetWesternAlphabetISO, Value: '28591' }, { Name: Lang.CharsetWesternAlphabet, Value: '1252' } ]; var TimeOffsets = [ { Name: Lang.TimeDefault, Value: '0' }, { Name: '(GMT -12:00) ' + Lang.TimeEniwetok, Value: '1' }, { Name: '(GMT -11:00) ' + Lang.TimeMidwayIsland, Value: '2' }, { Name: '(GMT -10:00) ' + Lang.TimeHawaii, Value: '3' }, { Name: '(GMT -09:00) ' + Lang.TimeAlaska, Value: '4' }, { Name: '(GMT -08:00) ' + Lang.TimePacific, Value: '5' }, { Name: '(GMT -07:00) ' + Lang.TimeArizona, Value: '6' }, { Name: '(GMT -07:00) ' + Lang.TimeMountain, Value: '7' }, { Name: '(GMT -06:00) ' + Lang.TimeCentralAmerica, Value: '8' }, { Name: '(GMT -06:00) ' + Lang.TimeCentral, Value: '9' }, { Name: '(GMT -06:00) ' + Lang.TimeMexicoCity, Value: '10' }, { Name: '(GMT -06:00) ' + Lang.TimeSaskatchewan, Value: '11' }, { Name: '(GMT -05:00) ' + Lang.TimeIndiana, Value: '12' }, { Name: '(GMT -05:00) ' + Lang.TimeEastern, Value: '13' }, { Name: '(GMT -05:00) ' + Lang.TimeBogota, Value: '14' }, { Name: '(GMT -04:00) ' + Lang.TimeSantiago, Value: '15' }, { Name: '(GMT -04:00) ' + Lang.TimeCaracas, Value: '16' }, { Name: '(GMT -04:00) ' + Lang.TimeAtlanticCanada, Value: '17' }, { Name: '(GMT -03:30) ' + Lang.TimeNewfoundland, Value: '18' }, { Name: '(GMT -03:00) ' + Lang.TimeGreenland, Value: '19' }, { Name: '(GMT -03:00) ' + Lang.TimeBuenosAires, Value: '20' }, { Name: '(GMT -03:00) ' + Lang.TimeBrasilia, Value: '21' }, { Name: '(GMT -02:00) ' + Lang.TimeMidAtlantic, Value: '22' }, { Name: '(GMT -01:00) ' + Lang.TimeCapeVerde, Value: '23' }, { Name: '(GMT -01:00) ' + Lang.TimeAzores, Value: '24' }, { Name: '(GMT) ' + Lang.TimeMonrovia, Value: '25' }, { Name: '(GMT) ' + Lang.TimeGMT, Value: '26' }, { Name: '(GMT +01:00) ' + Lang.TimeBerlin, Value: '27' }, { Name: '(GMT +01:00) ' + Lang.TimePrague, Value: '28' }, { Name: '(GMT +01:00) ' + Lang.TimeParis, Value: '29' }, { Name: '(GMT +01:00) ' + Lang.TimeSarajevo, Value: '30' }, { Name: '(GMT +01:00) ' + Lang.TimeWestCentralAfrica, Value: '31' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeAthens, Value: '32' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeEasternEurope, Value: '33' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeCairo, Value: '34' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeHarare, Value: '35' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeHelsinki, Value: '36' }, { Name: '(GMT +02:00) ' + Lang.TimeIsrael, Value: '37' }, { Name: '(GMT +03:00) ' + Lang.TimeBaghdad, Value: '38' }, { Name: '(GMT +03:00) ' + Lang.TimeArab, Value: '39' }, { Name: '(GMT +03:00) ' + Lang.TimeMoscow, Value: '40' }, { Name: '(GMT +03:00) ' + Lang.TimeEastAfrica, Value: '41' }, { Name: '(GMT +03:30) ' + Lang.TimeTehran, Value: '42' }, { Name: '(GMT +04:00) ' + Lang.TimeAbuDhabi, Value: '43' }, { Name: '(GMT +04:00) ' + Lang.TimeCaucasus, Value: '44' }, { Name: '(GMT +04:30) ' + Lang.TimeKabul, Value: '45' }, { Name: '(GMT +05:00) ' + Lang.TimeEkaterinburg, Value: '46' }, { Name: '(GMT +05:00) ' + Lang.TimeIslamabad, Value: '47' }, { Name: '(GMT +05:30) ' + Lang.TimeBombay, Value: '48' }, { Name: '(GMT +05:45) ' + Lang.TimeNepal, Value: '49' }, { Name: '(GMT +06:00) ' + Lang.TimeAlmaty, Value: '50' }, { Name: '(GMT +06:00) ' + Lang.TimeDhaka, Value: '51' }, { Name: '(GMT +06:00) ' + Lang.TimeSriLanka, Value: '52' }, { Name: '(GMT +06:30) ' + Lang.TimeRangoon, Value: '53' }, { Name: '(GMT +07:00) ' + Lang.TimeBangkok, Value: '54' }, { Name: '(GMT +07:00) ' + Lang.TimeKrasnoyarsk, Value: '55' }, { Name: '(GMT +08:00) ' + Lang.TimeBeijing, Value: '56' }, { Name: '(GMT +08:00) ' + Lang.TimeIrkutsk, Value: '57' }, { Name: '(GMT +08:00) ' + Lang.TimeSingapore, Value: '58' }, { Name: '(GMT +08:00) ' + Lang.TimePerth, Value: '59' }, { Name: '(GMT +08:00) ' + Lang.TimeTaipei, Value: '60' }, { Name: '(GMT +09:00) ' + Lang.TimeTokyo, Value: '61' }, { Name: '(GMT +09:00) ' + Lang.TimeSeoul, Value: '62' }, { Name: '(GMT +09:00) ' + Lang.TimeYakutsk, Value: '63' }, { Name: '(GMT +09:30) ' + Lang.TimeAdelaide, Value: '64' }, { Name: '(GMT +09:30) ' + Lang.TimeDarwin, Value: '65' }, { Name: '(GMT +10:00) ' + Lang.TimeBrisbane, Value: '66' }, { Name: '(GMT +10:00) ' + Lang.TimeSydney, Value: '67' }, { Name: '(GMT +10:00) ' + Lang.TimeGuam, Value: '68' }, { Name: '(GMT +10:00) ' + Lang.TimeHobart, Value: '69' }, { Name: '(GMT +10:00) ' + Lang.TimeVladivostock, Value: '70' }, { Name: '(GMT +11:00) ' + Lang.TimeMagadan, Value: '71' }, { Name: '(GMT +12:00) ' + Lang.TimeWellington, Value: '72' }, { Name: '(GMT +12:00) ' + Lang.TimeFiji, Value: '73' }, { Name: '(GMT +13:00) ' + Lang.TimeTonga, Value: '74' } ]; var DateFormats = [ { Name: Lang.DateDefault, Value: 'Default', Id: 'date_format_0', LangField: 'DateDefault' }, { Name: Lang.DateDDMMYY, Value: 'DD/MM/YY', Id: 'date_format_1', LangField: 'DateDDMMYY' }, { Name: Lang.DateMMDDYY, Value: 'MM/DD/YY', Id: 'date_format_2', LangField: 'DateMMDDYY' }, { Name: Lang.DateDDMonth, Value: 'DD Month', Id: 'date_format_3', LangField: 'DateDDMonth' }, { Name: Lang.DateAdvanced, Value: 'Advanced', Id: 'date_format_4', LangField: 'DateAdvanced' } ];